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- From wang!elf.wang.com!ucsd.edu!info-hams-relay Wed Mar 13 18:41:47 1991 remote from tosspot
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- Date: Wed, 13 Mar 91 04:30:30 PST
- From: Info-Hams Mailing List and Newsgroup <info-hams-relay@ucsd.edu>
- Reply-To: Info-Hams@ucsd.edu
- Subject: Info-Hams Digest V91 #207
- To: Info-Hams@ucsd.edu
- Info-Hams Digest Wed, 13 Mar 91 Volume 91 : Issue 207
- Today's Topics:
- ALINCO 590
- Doldrums
- Low Band Score Improvements
- Send Replies or notes for publication to: <Info-Hams@UCSD.Edu>
- Send subscription requests to: <Info-Hams-REQUEST@UCSD.Edu>
- Problems you can't solve otherwise to brian@ucsd.edu.
- Archives of past issues of the Info-Hams Digest are available
- (by FTP only) from UCSD.Edu in directory "mailarchives/info-hams".
- We trust that readers are intelligent enough to realize that all text
- herein consists of personal comments and does not represent the official
- policies or positions of any party. Your mileage may vary. So there.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Date: 12 Mar 91 16:29:00 GMT-10:00
- From: "MIS2::NFUNAMURA" <nfunamura%mis2.decnet@nuwes-lll.navy.mil>
- Subject: ALINCO 590
- To: "info-hams" <info-hams@ucsd.edu>
- Sorry for using this means for direct email...but I haven't been able to get
- back to Jay Appell via email...<jay@zen.cac.stratus.com>. I requested info on
- the Alinco 590 and Jay responded via email. However, I haven't been able to
- respond to the above address.
- Jay,
- Could you please email your phone or FAX number so I can pass it along to
- my friend who has some questions about the Alinco 590.
- Thanks,
- Norman, KH6R (808) 668-3087 (W)
- (808) 488-0721 (H)
- ------------------------------
- Date: Tue, 12 Mar 91 11:40 EST
- From: Steve Mosier <MOSIER%UNCG.BITNET@ncsuvm.ncsu.edu>
- Subject: Doldrums
- To: info-hams@ucsd.edu
- I'm not sure I completely understand what happened, but I think that the USENET
- newsgroups were reorganized so that certain topics changed groups, and that the
- INFO-HAMS digest is a distribution on the INTERNET that captures only certain
- ones (or one) of the USENET groups. At any rate, it is certainly true that
- much, much less is coming over the INFO-HAMS distribution now. I don't have
- access to USENET and so am totally dependent on INFO-HAMS for discussions. If
- the above is true, could INFO-HAMS capture more USENET newsgroups? Or could
- another list be created which does so? I wish there were a way to see all of
- the ham newsgroups on the INTERNET, but would particularly like to see the
- equipment trade/sale listings.
- steve/W3GRG
- ------------------------------
- Date: Tue, 12 Mar 91 07:32:28 -0500
- From: pescatore_jt%ncsd.dnet@gte.com
- Subject: Low Band Score Improvements
- To: @send
- <<Subject: ARRL SSB Contest from W3LPL Multi-Multi
- <<Total Score: 11.8M, beating our record from last year.
- <Great score John!
- <<80 235 80 W3LPL
- <<40 430 90 N3GB, KC3EK
- <I am just getting back on the air after about 5 years of inactivity. In the
- <past I did several single 40s or operated 40 from K0RF in multi-multi. It
- <seems to me that the 40 and 80 SSB QSO total for the east coast multi has
- <gone way up (in contests were you can't work VEs). Is there more Europe
- <to run now, working more JAs, or are you passing lots of non-mult QSOs
- <down to the low bands?
- The 40 M score was about 90 QSOs better than LPL had done before, the 80 M
- was only about 5 better. The difference between now and 5-8 years ago is mainly
- two things: antennas and packet radio.
- On 40 Frank has a full size 3 el at 100 feet fixed on Europe, and a rotatable
- full size 3 el at 200 feet. I operate a lot of 40 CW from LPL and we will break
- 2000 Qs on 40 CW when 20 is not a 48 hour band. On 80 he has two high dipoles
- and a 2 el wire quad fixed on EU. We didn't work a lot of JAs on 80 (K3ZO has
- an 80 M beam here and he worked 24 JAs), and we could only run stations for a
- short while on Sat nite.
- The packet spotting system really helps the low bands pick up multipliers
- without having to give up a run frequency to sweep the bands. Although the
- MD/DC cluster doesn't have a lot of night owls, there are enough to keep
- the low bands chasing. We do pass a lot of mults from 20 - 40 - 80, as well
- as ask high band mults to look for us on the low bands. With all bands running
- CT, each band can see what the other bands need, and our mult passing has
- gotten a lot better.
- If you're not familiar with multiplier passing, it means asking a new
- multiplier you just worked to QSY to another band where your also need that
- country. In these days on tribanders and no-tune transceivers, 75% of the
- people who answer your CQ will QSY, try it. Sometimes even stations running
- their own pileup will move, but you will end up with a lot of people in that
- pileup who will slash your tires at the next hamfest!
- 73 John WB2EKK
- ------------------------------
- Date: Wed, 13 Mar 1991 03:23:02 -0500
- From: oler@HG.ULeth.CA (CARY OLER)
- To: info-hams@ucsd.edu
- MARCH 13, 1991
- Flare Event Summary
- Potential Impact Forecast
- --------
- Two major solar flares have occurred over the past 6 to 24 hours. The
- first major event began at 12:40 UT on 12 March, peaked at 12:46 UT and
- ended shortly thereafter at 12:58 UT on 12 March. This major flare
- attained a class X1.7/2B rating and was associated with a strong Type II
- sweep and strong radio emissions at 245 MHz and 10 cm. This flare was
- associated with a 2,000 s.f.u. (solar flux unit) Tenflare which lasted 11
- minutes. A 55,000 s.f.u. burst was also observed at 245 MHz. This event
- is believed responsible for producing a small SID/SWF. This major flare
- originated from Region 6545 at a location of S07E59. The event lasted a
- relatively short 18 minutes.
- Another major high-level M-class flare began at 02:53 UT on 13 March,
- peaked at 03:05 UT and ended at 03:11 UT on 13 March. This event reached a
- class M9.0/2B rating and was associated with a moderate intensity Type II
- sweep. It is not yet certain what region this flare originated from.
- There is some dispute whether this event originated from Region 6545 or
- 6538. There have been conflicting reports. Some communications problems
- have also contributed to the uncertainty.
- Region 6545 (now located at S09E51 at 00:00 UT on 13 March) is
- optically and magnetically complex. It possesses a potent Beta-Gamma-Delta
- magnetic configuration and encompasses 23 visible spots in an optical DKI
- configuration. This region was responsible for the X-class flare mentioned
- above and is capable of producing high-level major M-class flares and/or a
- major isolated X-class flare.
- Region 6538 (which produced very energetic flaring earlier last week)
- is also optically and magnetically complex and appears quite formidable in
- white light as well as in H-alpha light. This region also contains a
- magnetic Beta-Gamma-Delta configuration, but has been unusually dormant in
- flare-activity lately. This is expected to change at any time, however.
- Frequent M-class flaring and possible high-level major M-class and/or
- isolated X-class flares are also possible from this region. A significant
- major solar flare from Region 6538 could produce high terrestrial impacts
- as well as potentially strong proton and PCA activity.
- A weak proton enhancement was observed near 17:00 UT on 12 March with
- protons greater than 10 MeV. The peak flux attained was about 2 p.f.u..
- Todays first major flare at 12:46 UT on 12 March will not have a
- terrestrial impact. It is uncertain whether the latter major event will
- have a terrestrial impact. The location of this flare is vital in
- determining the potential impacts, and the location of this flare is still
- uncertain. If the flare originated from Region 6545, no terrestrial
- impacts will likely be observed. If the flare originated in Region 6538,
- which has just now crossed into the western hemisphere, a weak terrestrial
- impact may be possible on 15 March. More significant major flaring from
- Region 6538 will be required before potentially strong terrestrial impacts
- might occur.
- The Potential Major Flare Warning remains in effect throughout this
- week (and possibly longer). Regions 6538 and 6545 are capable of producing
- major solar flares. Region 6538 is capable of producing proton activity
- with major energetic solar flares. Polar latitudes and satellite
- operators/users should be on the alert for possible proton and PCA activity.
- Polar radio blackouts are likely if a major proton flare erupts from Region
- 6538. PCA activity could keep polar radio blackout conditions constant for
- many hours (or possibly a few days if the event is intense).
- Further updates and/or alerts will be posted as needed over the coming
- week.
- ** End of Alert **
- ------------------------------
- Date: Tue, 12 Mar 1991 21:25:40 -0500
- From: oler@HG.ULeth.CA (CARY OLER)
- To: info-hams@ucsd.edu
- /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\
- /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\
- Issued: 02:00 UT, 13 March
- -------------
- A major-storm level positive magnetic excursion has been measured
- locally (northerly middle latitude station) and has been associated with
- strong radio signal fading and flutter. Our station has only been able to
- catch the latter part of the larger magnetic disturbance. The magnetometer
- was down for routine maintanence until 01:15 UT. Hence, we only caught the
- falling edge of the magnetic disturbance. However, from the information we
- have gathered thus far, the disturbance locally measured over 234 gammas.
- The peak occurred sometime shortly before 01:15 UT, judging by the
- signature of the disturbance measured.
- We are not yet sure what the cause of this magnetic storm period is,
- or if this is a planetary disturbance. We have reason to believe this is
- a planetary disturbance, and until we can verify the information (very
- shortly), we have posted this Potential Geomagnetic Storm Warning. A
- bulletin will follow shortly.
- Until the bulletin is released, please be aware of the potential for
- geomagnetic storming, possible strong auroral activity, and possible poor
- radio conditions. The bulletin will formalize the conditions occurring so
- far and will list the expected conditions. A major flare alert will also
- follow shortly.
- /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\
- ------------------------------
- Date: Wed, 13 Mar 1991 02:44:11 -0500
- From: oler@HG.ULeth.CA (CARY OLER)
- To: info-hams@ucsd.edu
- /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\
- 13 March, 1991
- Updated Geomagnetic Storm Warning
- /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\
- At approximately 22:00 UT on 12 March, a sudden magnetic impulse was
- detected at many magnetic observatories. Approximately 2.5 hours later,
- the geomagnetic field became disrupted. A major positive magnetic
- excursion was measured over most middle and high latitude observatories
- accompanied by moderate to strong disruptions on the HF bands. Only a
- single magnetic perturbation occurred, and has been followed by generally
- unsettled to active conditions over the middle latitudes. High latitudes
- have experienced minor storming. Our local magnetometer was down for
- routine maintenance at the time of the major magnetic excursion, but was
- brought on-line during the declining phase of the perturbation. The
- magnetic excursion (at our site) exceeded 300 gammas and occurred over a
- time span of about 10 to 15 minutes (the declining phase). Other sites
- have reported larger excursions.
- The geomagnetic field is not expected to reach storm level thresholds.
- Generally active conditions can be expected. Northern middle latitudes can
- expect periods of minor magnetic storming. High latitudes can also expect
- to experience minor storm level perturbations. Central and southern middle
- latitudes can expect unsettled to active magnetic conditions over the UT
- day of 13 March.
- The major magnetic excursion was a surprise. An increase in activity
- was expected to follow the magnetic SI, but was not expected to be nearly
- as energetic as it was over the middle latitudes. Conditions at the
- present time are relatively stable. Activity has increased somewhat, but
- is not near storm levels except near the auroral zone where minor storming
- is in progress.
- Auroral activity has increased significantly over the past several
- hours. Northern middle and high latitudes are witnessing moderate to high
- auroral activity. Some southward migration of the auroral zone has
- occurred, but no significant southward migration is expected. No low
- latitude auroral activity will be visible. However, if major flaring
- continues, auroral activity could appear in the lower latitudes later this
- week (see the solar flare alerts).
- The Potential Geomagnetic Storm Warning remains in effect at least
- until 24:00 UT on 13 March. An update will be posted early on 14 March or
- may be combined with a major solar flare alert if major flaring continues.
- ** End of Bulletin **
- ------------------------------
- End of Info-Hams Digest
- ******************************